Listed below is all the known content in the system that links to this item.
Toggle Button
6. Tutorials
In this tutorial, we will create a button that will turn On and Off individual functions or men...
Life-Hack #8: Multilingual Bot
7. Life-Hacks
This Life-Hack will allow you to create a multilingual bot with a language change on pressing STA...
Life-Hack #4: Dynamically hiding and showing buttons
7. Life-Hacks
This Life-Hack allows you to create menus, whose buttons will appear and disappear dynamically fo...
How to change a user's balance when someone following his referral link
2. Basic Functions
Menu bot
A one-level referral system is initially available for each new bot created using @MenuBuilderBot...
How to create an individual user balance
2. Basic Functions
Menu bot
The Variable balance (balance) is initially activated for each new bot created using @MenuBuilder...
Creating a Business Bot
2. Basic Functions
Business Bot
In this guide we will tell you in detail how to create your own Business Bot using the @MenuBui...