Listed below is all the known content in the system that links to this item.
How to get admin referral link
Admin referral links are needed to track the sources of new users. To add a new link:• Go in your...
Bot customization
Location: ☞ 🔐Admin | 🎚 Bot Customization.This section contains settings that allow you to chang...
Balance and Variable's editor
This guide will help you set up and manage User Balances in your bot created on the bot construct...
Referral Parent's data
All functions for working with Referral Parent data are gathered here. ❖ Referral Parent's...
Total amount of Bonuses or Withdrawals
This guide will help you display to users both the total amount of bonuses received or requeste...
Referral link
Referral link is a link with a unique identifier to a resource (usually a bot in Telegram) belo...
Bot settings
Location: ☞ 🔐Admin | ⚙️Bot Settings The settings section contains both independent settings th...
Life-Hack #5: One time Bonus for Subscription
This life-Hack will allow you to create one-time Bonuses with (or without) checking user's subscr...
Actions Types
The @MenuBuilderBot constructor allows you to configure any button in your bot to perform an almo...