Dedicated server
About what a «Dedicated Server» is, who needs it and why.
For those who are idly interested, we will immediately stipulate: the need for a dedicated server is an exceptional case, almost no one will ever need it.
Before start reading this document, it is necessary to have an understanding of how the bot generates load and what causes it to slow down. To do this, read the guide «Turbo Mode and Connection Limit».
❖ Who needs a dedicated server
Once again, we emphasize the point from the Turbo Mode manual - the number of default connections for each Bot is ALWAYS enough for it to operate in normal mode. For those rare emergency cases, «Turbo Mode» was created, which increases the number of connections up to 25... This allows bots to cope with almost ANY increased load, while not preventing them from getting along with the rest of the bots in the system...
If you got urge to initiate a "Nuclear Apocalypse" in your bot and, with the active «Turbo Mode», you still experience a slowdown in its work, and the bot's Request Queue is large and continues to grow steadily, then you need to further increase the number of connections. As you understand, a further increase in the number of connections will lead to an increase in the load on GENERAL resources, eating away a significant part of the performance of the rest of the bots operating in normal mode - which is unfair to them. We cannot allow this, so in this case you need a Dedicated Server on which, with the maximum possible number of connections, you can entertain your users by any means available to you.
The maximum number of connections per bot technically allowed by Telegram is 100.
We emphasize once again: 100 connections per bot is a Telegram limitation, not ours!
When switching to a dedicated server, you get the maximum available limit of 100 connections. Thus, the performance of your Bot, in general, gets the maximum performance capabilities that Telegram itself provides for bots on their platform. If at some point it seems to you that 100 connections are also not enough - you need to understand that this is the maximum possible performance for bots created on the constructor, which you can get ON ANY server, with the existing architecture of the constructor and the solutions used in its development. Thus, performance is limited either by the technical solutions used by the constructor, or by Telegram itself using the number of connections, while the capabilities of the dedicated server itself are always sufficient and the problem is definitely not in it.
100 connections is a lot and your bot can generate a huge amount of load on a dedicated server, however, the problem with the load is not only in CPU time, which is solved by a dedicated server, but also in a huge number of requests to the Database (bases), which is still is COMMON for all bots. Modern databases, especially with caching, can withstand huge loads, but even on a dedicated server, we can't let you "braking bad". This also needs to be understood.
❖ What you need to know before connecting a dedicated server
So, if you think your bot needs a dedicated server, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.
1. The minimum term for connecting a dedicated server is a month. This limitation is due to the fact that hosting provides servers only for this period.
2. The minimal cost of a dedicated server for 1 month is 50 TMH (processor with 1 core). There could be from 1 to 8 cores.
3. Connecting and setting up a new dedicated server takes from 3 to 6 hours - so take care of requesting it in advance, and not in emergency mode when the bot is already "down".
4. Any actions to connect a new dedicated server are carried out ONLY after pre-payment.
5. It is impossible to return the paid funds - because they have already been used to buy a new server from the hoster.
6. The prolongation of the term can be carried out instantly, however, you must inform about the need for an prolongation in advance, having TMH funds in the required amount on your balance, because after the payment period expires, the dedicated server will be turned off, and your bot will continue to work on a general basis. After deleting a dedicated server, reconfiguring it will also take from 3 to 6 hours.
7. Any additional actions, during the paid time of the dedicated server, such as transfers and adding some additional bots to your dedicated server, are paid separately. The minimum price for an appeal is 10 TMH, however, the final cost of an appeal may be higher depending on the amount of work.
Based on the experience of working with dedicated servers and observing the bots running on them, we can say that the maximum number of clicks in your bot at which the bot can work without noticeable slowdowns is approximately 60000 clicks per hour. With such volumes of clicks, based on our experience, we believe that a dedicated server will be able to provide a sufficient level of performance. If this limit is exceeded, the bot's work without slowdowns is possible, but not guaranteed. Obviously (as you already know from the Turbo Mode manual), the number of clicks in the bot is not directly related to the speed of its work, but it correlates to varying degrees. Therefore, 60000 clicks is a kind of average that you should be guided by. You need to understand that for each individual bot - this limit may vary. First of all, check this indicator in the advanced statistics of your bot - if it is exceeded, then of course, you can write to the support, but it is unlikely that you will be helped with this - there are always some limits of performance and common sense, as well as things that cannot be bought for money.
To request the creation of a dedicated server for your bot, please contact support: @MenuBuilderSupportBot.
❖ What you need to know after connecting the server
Below is a list of behavioral features of a bot running on a dedicated server.
● Immediately after transferring your bot to a dedicated server, when the existing Queue is already quite large, give the bot some time to process the accumulated requests on its own.
● Each bot that has just been moved to a dedicated server, we monitor individually for some time to make sure that everything is in order with the bot and its speed and it can cope with the load. For this reason, refrain from interfering with its work in terms of performance - do not try, for example, enable Maintenance Mode in order to reduce the number of user actions and etc.
● For a Bot with 100 connections, having 1000-1500 requests in the Queue is nothing out of the ordinary. You can get a slight time delay of 10-15 seconds, but the bot, with so many connections, is quite capable of handling them without any help.
● All changes you have made to the menu structure must be distributed MANUALLY - a special button will appear in the Admin panel for this. If your bot has been transferred to a dedicated server and you have made any changes to its menu structure, in order for these changes to reach your users, you need to go to the bot Admin Panel and click the «Push Menu Update» button.