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Tempo ban

Tempoban (temporary ban) - issued by Telegram when the bot activity is excessive or suspicious IN THEIR OPINION. The duration of the ban is usually reported in the error message (if applicable). Tempoban can be issued either to the entire bot or to a separate chat (for example, to an Administrator’s chat with a bot).

According to our observations, Telegram begins to stop mailing in some bots, whose names contain words such as "Airdrop", "Invest" - there was no official information on this. Some admins claim that the Tempobans in their bots are related to Forwarding messages to bot's users. This was confirmed. The ability of the bot to forward messages is up to 2'000 per hour.

Regarding Tempobans, you need to understand that Tempobans are not always applied to the entire bot - sometimes to a SEPARATE CHAT between the user and the bot.
This has two consequences:
1. Firstly, if you, as an admin, have Tempoban, then your users can easily use your bot - this does not apply to them.
2. And secondly, such mechanics are formalized rather ambiguously in error messages, therefore, not everywhere and not always such information can be clearly and unambiguously shown to the administrator, and the presence of Tempoban often has to be judged only by indirect signs.


Indirect signs of Tempoban

• When you press /start, the start message comes, but the rest do not (Chat Tempoban).
• Notifications about the progress of the Mailing are not received (Chat Tempoban).
• The Data Export file does not arrive (Chat Tempoban).
• Mailing is slow or not running (Bot Tempoban).

For information on what to do if your bot frequently receives Tempoban, read the "List of main settings" chapter of the "Main functions" book.