User - one separate Telegram account of the person in your bot. In general, this is the owner of the Telegram account who launched your bot using the command
. The user in the bot is identified and counted by the Telegram ID of his account. One person can have several Telegram accounts - each account is a separate User.
Please note that the bot has functionality that restricts access to the bot for the certain categories of users. In this case, in order to be considered a Bot User, the user must meet the conditions or meet the parameters set by the Bot's Creator. Therefore, the very fact of pressing START does not make a separate account a User of the bot.
Below is a list of features that protect the bot from unwanted categories of users. Such account will not be considered a Bot User if it wasn't verified by the following functions:
Basic Captcha
To add feature go to your bot:☞ 🔐Admin | 🧩Extensions | 📂Protection
Basic Subscription (Join) check
To add feature go to your bot:☞ 🔐Admin | 🧩Extensions | 📂Protection
Access to the Bot Only by Ref. Link
To add feature go to your bot:☞ 🔐Admin | 🧩Extensions | 📂Referrals
How does a new user becomes a bot's user
At what point does a new user become a bot's user?
Below is a, more or less, complete list of functionality that is triggered when a new user tries to connect to the bot. The list is given in the order in which the functions are triggered.
1. Captcha
2. Subscription
3. User referral system
4. Admin referral system
5. Maintenance mode
6. Deeplink
7. Informing the admin about the new user
Please note that the message from the "Maintenance Mode" (5th line of the list) the user will see only AFTER his request is passed through the four previous functions. This is done intentionally so that new users coming through referral links and similar "indirect" ways do not get lost and do not lose their Referral Parents, that is, first the user goes through all the necessary procedures in order to become a Bot user, and only then finds out that the bot is in Maintenance Mode.
User dead and alive
Dead user - the user who blocked the bot is considered dead. The only way to determine the fact of blocking is to try to deliver a message to the user. Thus, the user can be considered dead if the bot could not deliver the message to him.
In bots created using @MenuBuilderBot constructor, users are checked during «Mailing» and «Check Users». At the same time, the bot sends or emulates the distribution of messages, while marking up all inaccessible accounts. In order not to consider dead each user to who, for some reason, bot failed to deliver the message, there is a separate «Dead After» setting in the mailing that determines after how many unsuccessful attempts the user is considered dead (from 1 to 5 attempts).
Alive user - a user is considered alive if all messages sent to him have been delivered so far, or the bot has not yet tried to deliver any messages to him.
At the same time, in fact, the user could already block the bot, but it will be possible to find out about this only after trying to send messages.