Listed below is all the known content in the system that links to this item.
QnA chat in groups
5. Functions Manuals
Feedback Forms and QnA Chat
❖ How to get user's answers in a group As we said above, the updated QnA chat can now work in ...
Paid subscription to a group or channel
6. Tutorials
In this tutorial we will talk about how to create a Paid Subscription for your group or channel...
Button - Withdraw
5. Functions Manuals
Autopayments and Withdrawals of Funds
Bots constructor @MenuBuilderBot allows you to automate the work with third-party payment systems...
Autopayments - TRON, TON, BSC, POLYGON [in Admin]
5. Functions Manuals
Autopayments and Withdrawals of Funds
Guide for self-assist activation of auto payments in TRON, TON, BSC, POLYGON networks. TRON (T...
Module of user management
5. Functions Manuals
The section contains all the tools for managing the users of your group - both - new ones and t...
Subscription (join) check - Basic
5. Functions Manuals
Subscription (join) checking: the well-known instrument to force bot users stay aware of the even...