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The  «Storage» section contains advanced settings for the previously created Items (products). Storage attributes are anything that does not directly identify a product. Storage is an attribute that either changes over time (quantity in supply) or may change depending on a specific supply or supplier (supplier, expiration date, purchase price). In the general case, Storage attributes are either not visible to the user, or not really needed to make a purchase decision - they are mainly used for internal accounting, reporting, or something of that sort.

To go to the Storage settings go to your Bot: 
☞ 🔐Admin | 🛒Shop | Storage

The Storage section is disabled by default and may not be visible in the menu. 

To enable Storage options go to your Bot: 
☞ 🔐Admin | 🛒Shop | ⚙️Shop Settings | Storage Options
And ENABLE it setting it to "On" mode.

«Categories», «Items» and «Storage» are sections necessary for the operation and management of the content (products) of your shop.

❖  Storage Menu

This section allows you to add advanced product options.

At the lower menu, for ease of use, there are buttons «Categories» and «Items» for quick navigation between sections. This is convenient when actively editing or creating a new shop.

In the Storage view mode, all existing products are presented in a simplified form - chat messages - only the Name and Description.

❖ Manage Storage attributes

Items available in each Storage category are represented by messages in the section's chat. Changing the product settings (in the Storage mode) is done using the Command in the message containing the data of the product you need. To change the Storage attributes of the desired product, click the appropriate command.

Once again, we remind you that Storage attributes are optional and not obligatory to use. Some attributes may not have an unambiguous definition - they may have different meanings depending on the context, and within your project acquire their own characteristics and purpose.


Some internal item number in your shop, an Article from the list, or another kind of number that uniquely identifies this particular product.


For an existing Item, you can set the available quantity, if this parameter is relevant for this type of product.

Subtract on Purchase

The quantity of Items available in the Storage can be reduced upon sale.

The setting determines the need to automatically reduce the quantitative indicator of the Item when it is purchased through the shop. 
Off ⏹️ - subtraction is NOT performed.
On ▶️ - subtraction is performed.

The actual deduction of the Items occurs only after payment.

Hide if Sold

A product can be automatically hidden in the User Partition of the Shop if its quantity is zero.

The setting determines the need to automatically hide the product in the shop when it is out of stock.
Off ⏹️ - hiding is NOT performed.
On ▶️ - hiding is performed.

The option to warn the admin about the fact that the Items are running out of stock is in the plans and will be added in the future.


Allows you to add a discount to a product.

Percentage discount

The discount can be set both in absolute and relative values.

The setting determines how the discount will be set: as a percentage of the price or in direct quantitative terms - in the currency of your shop. 
off ⏹️ - discount - directly in the shop's currency.
On ▶️ - discount - as a percentage of the price of the Item (by default).


Allows you to add a name or a short description of the manufacturer.

Plain text field.

Best before date

Allows you to set the expiration date (in free form).

Currently is a regular text field.

In the future, this parameter will be developed.


Allows you to set the percentage of tax on the price of the items.

Numeric field.