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User menu: General info

In the User Partition of the Shop, the Categories added by you and the corresponding Items (Products) will be presented, as well as all sections necessary for the user to work with the shop - such as «Profile», «Cart» and «Catalog» (the root folder of categories).

❖ How to connect the Shop to the bot's menu

In order for the user to get to the shop you have created, you, as an admin, must connect the desired Shop's Category (or its Root Category) to the selected button of your bot.

You can connect any number of categories of the shop to any number buttons of your bot.

The instructions below were compiled based on the fact that you already have an idea about working with the constructor and, in particular, you know how your bot's button settings are arranged... More detailed instructions on working with "Button Settings" can be found, for example, in the Guide on Commands, if For some reason, you undertook to create a shop without mastering the basic mechanics of working with the constructor itself.

To connect the created store to the menu of your Bot:
1. Go to the «Button Editor»
2. Specify the desired button by clicking on it
3. Open the Button's Settings by clicking the Star ( ✱ )
4. Click on the «Shop Editor» button 
5. In the editor, select the option you need (see below)

Assign Category

You will be presented with a menu containing categories you have created for the shop in the Admin's Partition. The current category, as well as (possibly) previously assigned category, will be indicated in the chat message.

Only in This Category

This option allows you to lock the user in the category you specified, which will not allow him to go up the category tree while browsing the shop's catalog.

Set the mode you want BEFORE choosing a category.

The setting determines the user's ability to freely navigate the category tree.
Off ⏹️ - can move around the entire catalog of the shop.
On ▶️ - will be encapsulated within the selected category.


To assign a Shop's Root Category to a button, simply click «Select» in the root category. If you need the bot button to correspond to a particular category of the Shop, then using the buttons with the category names, go to the desired one and click «Select» there.


Assign Cart

Allows you to assign the Shopping Cart menu to a button.

When leaving the Cart, the user will return to the menu of your bot - where he entered it from.


Assign Orders

Allows you to assign the Orders menu button in the User Profile.

When exiting the Orders, the user will return to the menu of your bot - where he entered it from.


Reset settings

Allows you to unbind the Shop from your bot's menu button.

❖ Menu of the User Partition

The menu of the Shop's User Partition is CONDITIONALLY represented by three main groups of buttons: 
1. Top row - the «Pagination» buttons that appear when there are a large number of Items (products) in a separate category. 
2. Middle row - buttons representing Categories of catalog, with their own navigation. 
3. Bottom row - the main buttons for managing and selecting sections (Exit, Catalog, Cart, Profile).

For more details on each section, see the relevant manuals below.