Limits and restrictions of Telegram
The official data on Telegram restrictions is not always available, so some of them were found empirically.
Last revision: 11.11.2024 (Last full revision: 25.11.2022)
❖ Accounts
- The length of Username (username; e.g. @cameraman) from 5 to 32 characters
- The number of additional Usernames - 10
- Section "About me" (Bio) 70 characters
- Name length from 1 to 64 characters
- Last name length from 0 to 64 characters
- Account self-destruct period in case of inactivity 1, 3, 6 and 12 months (6 by default)
- Session self-destruct period in case of inactivity 1, 3, 6 and 12 months
- Spam ban 1 day and more
- The number of channels and supergroups in which you can be - a maximum of 500 (including those created by you)
- The number of geochats in which you can be - a maximum of 5 (including those created by you)
- Number of saved GIFs up to 200 pieces
- Video avatar duration up to 10 seconds
- Video avatar properties 800x800px, up to 2 MB
- Create groups and channels up to 50 per day
- Number of accounts (official clients) up to 3 profiles
- The number of stickers you can add to favorites - up to 5
- Number of reactions that can be set - 1
❖ Chats and groups
- Number of participants (limit is constantly increasing) up to 200'000, unlimited in groups for broadcasts
- The number of administrators in the group is up to 50 people
- The number of bots in a group is up to 20 pieces
- Pinned chats in the user's feed is up to 5 chats or channels + up to 5 secret chats
- Group name and description up to 255 characters
- Editing messages within 48 hours after sending; unlimited in Saved Items and for administrators with pinning rights
- Self-destruct photo or video from 1 to 60 seconds
- History of actions (movements of participants, messages, etc.) for the last two days
- The number of users mentions in one message is up to 50, otherwise there will be no notification
- Number of visible messages in the group 1'000'000 recent messages
- Number of pinned messages - unlimited
- Number of participants to open statistics - 500 or more
- Reservation of @username after change (the time for which the username is available only to its former owner) about 15-30 minutes
- Group stickers - available for groups with at least 100 members
- Admin label length up to 16 characters
- Chat title length up to 128 characters
- Converting a supergroup to a broadcast group for chats with 199'000 or more members
- Chat read reports available for chats with 100 members or less, the user list is only available to the user who sent the message
- Read report availability time is up to 7 days from the moment the message was sent
- How long chat's history of changes is stored - 48 hours
- The number of reactions that can be set on the post - up to 11
❖ Voice and video chats
- Voice chat listeners - unlimited
- Video broadcast (camera, screen sharing) up to 30 broadcast users simultaneously
- Viewers of the video broadcast officially stated that there are no restrictions, but in practice, the broadcast becomes unstable at about 2'000 simultaneous viewers
- Scheduled chats up to 7 days
❖ Channels
- Number of public usernames (addresses) per account up to 10 (including groups)
- @username length from 5 to 32 characters
- The length of the channel name and description is up to 255 characters
- The number of channel administrators (including bots; only an administrator can add a bot to a channel) up to 50 accounts
- Editing posts is unlimited (if a group is linked to the channel, posts older than 14 days will not be updated in the chat)
- The number of channel readers is unlimited
- Members visible for the admin of the channel is 200 people
- Channel deletion - a channel with more than 1K subscribers can only be deleted through Telegram support
- Watch private channels without joining (for channels with more than 200 subscribers) up to 5 minutes once a day
- Invite users - up to 200 people
- The number of subscribers to open statistics is 50 or more
- Reservation of @username after change (the time for which the username is available only to its former owner) about 15-30 minutes
- Watch private channels without joining them - up to 5 minutes per day
- The number of reactions that can be set on the post - up to 11
❖ Messages
- The length of one message is up to 4096 characters
- Description for media files up to 1024 characters
- Sending files up to 2.0 GB
- The length of the file name is up to 60 characters, the excess will be cut off
- Video message duration up to 1 minute
- Photos and videos in one message (album) up to 10 pieces
- Number of pending messages up to 100 messages
- Schedule messages up to 365 days
- The number of reactions (likes) per post - up to 11 pieces
❖ Folders
- Number of folders is up to 10 folders
- Pinned chats in a folder up to 100 chats
❖ People nearby
- The visibility radius is about 12 kilometers
- Number of displayed users - up to 100 people
- Number of displayed geochats - up to 10 nearest
❖ Bots
- The number of bots (created via @BotFather) up to 20 pieces
- Bot @username length from 5 to 32 characters
- Length of information about the bot (/setabouttext) is up to 120 characters
- Bot description length is up to 512 characters
- Files sent by bot (BotAPI) up to 50 MB
- Files accepted by the bot (BotAPI) up to 20 MB
- Ability to forward messages is up to 2'000 per hour
- Number of buttons for 1 message - up to 100 pieces (the quantity is limited by the total volume of text - more text - less buttons)
- Message formatting data up to 10 KB
- Message rate (can be increased by support) up to 30 messages per second; 20 messages per minute for chats and channels (paid up to 1000 messages per second)
- API request rate (can be increased by support) up to 30 requests per second
- Number of commands (in BotFather) from 0 to 100 commands
- Command length (in BotFather) from 1 to 32 characters
- The length of the command description is minimal: 2 characters in BotFather, 3 characters in Bot API; maximum 256 characters in both
- Metadata length for /start is up to 64 characters (used for deep linking)
- Bot warning length is up to 200 characters
- Search for users by username (for bots and users) is up to 200 usernames daily
- Number of inline results is up to 50 elements
- Bot's description picture size is 640x360 pixels.
- You can transfer no more than 5 bots per day to another account (break between transfers is 5-15 minutes)
❖ Search
- Global search was broken by the Telegram team in late 2024 and is practically useless at the moment
- Results in global search - up to 10 items; up to 3 on Android
- The minimum query length for a global search is 4 characters or more
❖ Stickers
- Number of added sticker packs up to 200 pieces
- Number of favorite stickers up to 5 pieces
- Number of stickers in a set - up to 120 for simple ones, up to 50 for animated ones
- Sticker size - one of the sides is 512px, the other is 512px or less; strictly 512x512 for animated
- Animation duration up to 3 seconds
- Sticker file size up to 512 KB for simple, up to 64 KB for animated
- FPS 30 or 60
- Pack name length up to 64 characters
- The length of the /addstickers address for a sticker pack is up to 62 characters
❖ Topics
- Number of participants in the group to open topics - 200
- Number of topics created simultaneously - 1 000 000 000
- Topic name length - 1-128 characters
- The number of accounts in the @telegraph bot is up to 5
- Text size up to 64 KiB
❖ Miscellaneous
Data Centers (DC)
DC 1 - USA (Florida)
DC 2 - Europe (Netherlands)
DC 3 - USA (Florida)
DC 4 - Europe (Netherlands, UK)
DC 5 - Asia (Singapore, India)
Special thanks: Akcium Сергей