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Telegram Desktop Shortcuts

For the convenience and speed of working with the Desktop version of the Telegram client, it is useful to know Keyboard Shortcuts. Below is a list of keyboard shortcuts available in the Telegram client.


CTRL+SHIFT+UP - Switch folders up
CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN - Switch folders down
CTRL+ Q - Quit Telegram
CTRL+ L - Lock Telegram (if Password is set)
CTRL+ M - Minimize Telegram
CTRL+ W - Minimize Telegram to System Tray
CTRL+J - Open Contacts

Out of chat

DOWN - Switch through chats down
UP - Switch chats up
ENTER - Enter chat or Archive
ESC - Exit Archive
PageUP - Scroll up chats
PageDOWN - Scroll chats down
ALT + CLICK or LONG PRESS of chat logo - To see preview

In chat mode

ESC - Leave the chat
UP - Edit last post
CTRL+UP - Reply
DOUBLE CLICK - Next to message - Reply
CTRL+UP+UP - Reply one message above (can be pressed multiple times)
PageUP - Scroll chat up
PageDOWN - Scroll chat down
CTRL + F - Search in current chat
DELETE - Delete currently selected message
DRAGnDROP - Commands can be dragged with the mouse from messages to the text input field.
CTRL+WHEEL - Fast chat chat scrolling.
SHIFT+WHEEL - Fast chat chat scrolling.
CTRL+TAB / CTRL+PageDOWN - Shift groups down
CTRL+SHIFT+TAB / CTRL+PageUP - Shift groups up
CTRL+SHIFT+UP - Shift folders up
CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN - Shift folders down

In edit mode

ESC - Cancel editing
CTRL+DOWN - Reply one message below (can be pressed multiple times)
CTRL+UP - Reply one message above (can be pressed multiple times)
CTRL+ENTER or CTRL+SHIFT - Start New Line (depend on settings)
CTRL+HOME - Cursor to the message start
CTRL+END - Cursor to the message end
CTRL+I - Make text Italic
CTRL+B - Make text Bold
CTRL+U - Make text Underline
CTRL+SHIFT+X - Make text Striketrough
CTRL+SHIFT+M - Make text Monospace
CTRL+SHIFT+N - Make selected text Plain (Remove any Formatting)
CTRL+K - Add Link to selected text
CTRL+O - Send File