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The bot does not respond to commands

Step 1 - Check Tempoban

Sometimes the bot stops responding if you are very active in pressing buttons in the bot, or actively editing a menu with a lot of messages, or if you get too many responses to Forms. Telegram gives a temporary ban for such accounts. Check your bot from another account, everything should be fine.

About what Tempoban is:


Step 2 - Restart

If it is not Tempoban, sometimes a bot restart is enough to restore operation.

About how to Restart the bot:


Step 3 - Request Queue

It's possible that your bot got high activity and is now very slow, which in some cases looks like "not responding at all".

How to check the Request Queue:

If you can't activate Turbo Mode because your bot doesn't respond - you can do it in the Head Bot @MenuBuilderBot - in your bot settings. See the instructions at the end of the manual by the link above.


Step 4 - Token

If none of the above is the cause, it's time to deal with the Bot Token.
● Most likely, you used the Token in some other service and did not delete it. Or it was not deleted completely.
● Perhaps you thought that you could use one bot (with one Token) in different services SIMULTANEOUSLY.
● You probably used the Bot Token for unofficial access to the bot, for example, to directly view messages.
● Perhaps Telegram simply lost the bot's coordinates.

One way or another you need to:
4.1 Change the bot Token in @BotFather
4.2 Update the Token in the @MenuBuilderBot constructor

About how to change the bot token:

About how to update the Token in the constructor:

The bot should start. If it does not start, repeat «Step 2 - Restart».